Sales in January were 33. This is up 560.0% from 5 in January of 2009. Sales/list price ratio in January moved up to 91.9% from 88.0% in December.

Median price in January was $1,475,000. This is up 20.9% from $1,220,000 in January of 2009. Average sale price (most recent 3 months) is $2,946,305, up substantially from $2,258,103 in 2009.

Inventory of 564 in January was up 2.5% from 550 in December but down 10.9% from 633 in January of 2009.

Market Time
Days on market of 131 in January was down substantially from 190 in December but way up from 41 in January of 2009. Months of supply in January moved down to 18.9 from 19.9 in December.
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